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Frédéric Chopin by W. H. Hadow, in Studies in Modern Music. New York, Macmillan & Co.
Frédéric Chopin by Louis Eblert, in From the Tone World, translated by Helen D. Tredbar. New York.
Frédéric Chopin von Louis Ehlert. (Aus der Tonwelt).
Chopin, by W. de Lenz, from the Great Piano Virtuosos of our Time, translated by Madeleine R. Baker. New York, G. Schirmer.
Chopin, in Robert Schumanns Music and Musicians, translated by Fanny Raymond Ritter. New York, Schuberth & Co.
Musik und Musiker von Robert Schumann.
Chopin, in Anton Rubinsteins Conversation on Music, translated by Mrs. John P. Morgan. Steinway Hall: Charler F. Tredbar, publisher.
Les Musiciens Polonais, par Albert Sowiński. Paris, Le Clerc.
Le trois Romans de Frédéric Chopin par le Comte Wodziński. Paris, Calmann Lévy.
George Sand, by Henry James, in French Poets and Novelists. New York, Macmillan & Co.
G. Sand, par Stefane-Pol, aus Trois Grandes Figures, Vorwort von Armand Silvestre Paris, Ernest Flammarion.
George Sand, sa Vie et ses Oeuvres, par Wladimir Karénine. Paris, Ollendorf.
Deux Elèves de Chopin par Adolphe Brisson.
The Beautiful in Music, by Dr. Eduard Hanslick. Translated by Gustave Cohen. Novello, Ewer & Co., London and New York.
Analytische Notizen von Theodor Kullak. Edition Schlesinger.
Reisebilder von Heinrich Heine.
Chopins Works, by Rutland Boughton, in London Musical Standard.
Chopin by Stanislas Count Tarnowski. Translated from the Polish by Natalie Janotha 1899.
The School of Giorgione. An Essay by Walter Pater.
Chopin and the Sick Men, by John F. Rnnciman, in London Saturday Review, September 9, 1899.
Frédérick Chopin, by Edward Dannreuther from Famous Composers and their Works. Boston, J. B. Millet Company.
Primitive Musik von Richard Wallascbek.