
Ta strona została uwierzytelniona.
on position mark yourself by all deck lights and direct search lamp to the dinghy, please. Out.
Y: Helicopter, I see your lights and dinghy flare. Now I start making identification.
H: „Margarita” you and dinghy identified. I am comencing operation now.
Y: „Dolly”, did you understand correspondence? Are you ready?
D: Roger „Margarita”. We are prepared to taking off.
H: „Margarita”, this is helicopter. The operation is over. I have all „Dolly’s” crew of eight on deck assistenced by doctor. No body in the water. Fishing boat has sunk. Now I fly to the landing place. Do you copy? Over.
Y: Roger chopper. Thank you and good luck. Out.
Y: New Harbour Radio, this is „Margarita”. Rescue operation concerned crew of the trawler „Dolly” has finished succefully. „Dolly” has sunk on position: Latitude......... Logitude......... Now there is a great leakage with fuel from her tank. Is somthing more to do by me? Over.
S: „Margarita”, this is New Harbour Radio. Your assistence is no longer required. Your command of rescue operation is over. Thank yoy for excellent cooperation. Good voyage. Over. Stop. All stations, this is New Harbour Radio. The Search and Rescue operation complete. Channel sixteen clear. Silence is over. Navigational warning on channel one two. Out.

(bridge to bridge talk)

Y: South East bound vessel approaching to HEL buoy, this is sailing boat „Margarita”. Do yoy read? Over
V: Station calling motor tanker „Zawrat”. Channel six please.
Y: „Zawrat”, this is small sailing boat „Margarita” of your